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Nicorette Nicotine Gum, Stop Smoking Aid, 4 mg, White Ice Mint Flavor, 100 count


Nicorette Gum is a quit smoking aid specially formulated with nicotine to help you kick your smoking habit one craving at a time. As the only nicotine gum with patented dual-coated technology, Nicorette Gum 4 mg in White Ice Mint provides a bold taste experience.

Nicorette Nicotine Gum helps relieve the cravings, anxiety, frustration, irritability and restlessness associated with quitting smoking.† For the best chance at success, chew at least 9 pieces of Nicorette Gum for the first 6 weeks and complete the entire 12-week program.

However, do not chew more than 24 pieces of gum per day or eat or drink for 15 minutes before using Nicorette Gum. For additional quit smoking support, check out—a free online resource that provides you with individualized smoking cessation plans.

If at any time you’re experiencing intense cravings, you may take an additional piece of Nicorette Gum.† Nicotine gum in White Ice Mint is a type of nicotine replacement therapy, which can help reduce your cravings and withdrawal symptoms while you adjust to life as a nonsmoker.

†Use as directed.



Use 4 milligrams of nicotine gum if you smoke within 30 minutes of waking upNicorette Gum in White Ice Mint provides a bold flavor and helps deliver intense craving reliefFormulated with dual coated technologyNicorette Nicotine Gum helps relieve the cravings, anxiety, frustration, irritability and restlessness associated with quitting smoking (use as directed)Chew at least 9 pieces of Nicorette Gum for the first 6 weeks, complete the 12 week program and get support from Quit.

com, the free online resource

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