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Babies Educational Play & Learn Toy with Push Button Sound Effects That Is Perfect For Infants 6 Months and Older


This is a great toy that allows babies to have fun for hours as they shake and rattle the toy. With battery operation it is easy to setup and works for hours on end that will keep babies happy and entertained with different and cool sounds infants can learn about different creatures and animals that are out there while they sit safely at home and have fun with their rattle toy.

The cute and interactive bird built into the toy will keep children happy and entertained as they shake it around pretending to be flying through the sky. This will make for a great gift idea on a birthday or even just for a surprise, it is a fantastic toy idea for infants because they will be inspired to be creative and playful.

Description: This box set includes 1 battery operated toy rattle with button activated sound effects. Intended for infants 6 months and older this toy is a perfect way to help them develop their motor skills as they press down on the sound effect button to activate the cool animal sounds.

This will teach them not only about animals and sounds from nature but will also start to get them comfortable with technology and the idea of buttons activating different things so that later in life they will be more comfortable with technology than any generation before them.



Babies Educational Play & Learn Toy with Push Button Sound Effects That Is Perfect For Infants 6 Months and Older

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Little, Treasures

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